[nb-NO]Object number[nb-NO]
This fleam mallet was used to drive the blade of a fleam into the jugular vein of an animal to bleed it for veterinary purposes. This mallet is made of boxwood and has a leaded head.
[nb-NO]Physical description[nb-NO]
1 fleam stick: wood (boxwood); good condition
[nb-NO]Archival history[nb-NO]
Citation in publication [H. J. Massingham, 'Country Relics' (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1939)] –'The gruesome-looking fleam or flem and its "fleam-stick" or tiny mallet of boxwood with a leaded head, also from Gloucestershire, suggest the days when doctoring like most other things began and ended at home. // The knife with its conical little blade protruding from the larger one was placed against the vein and struck with the mallet.' (pp.125-126), MERL list / description [Massingham Collection, October 1989] – 'ACC. NO.: 51/96 // NAME: FLEAM MALLET // NEG NO.: 35/56 // STORAGE: P. Ex. [Permanent Exhibition] Harnessing.', This fleam mallet belonged to the grandfather of Arthur Humphries of Sevenhampton, Gloucestershire, who died a very old man about 1939.
1875-01-01 - 1899-12-31
[nb-NO]Production period[nb-NO]
Late-nineteenth century
[nb-NO]Object name[nb-NO]
[nb-NO]External document[nb-NO]
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\35 series negatives\Scans\35_56.tif - High resolution image