[nb-NO]Object number[nb-NO]
This leather and vellum wallet was used for carrying fishing tackle. It has internal compartments, and contains three casts of gut, two metal spinners, and three flies: a Teal and Claret wet fly (for lake and sea trout), and March Brown (for sea trout) and a March Brown wet fly. Only 2 found, see image, Nov 2021.
[nb-NO]Physical description[nb-NO]
fishing flies
[nb-NO]Archival history[nb-NO]
MERL 'Catalogue index' card – 'Pocket wallet containing fishing flies and gut // 463/1 Wallet of leather and vellum for placing flies and their casts in while carrying tackle. // 463/2 The casts of gut. // 463/3 Two metal spinners. // 463/4 Teal and Claret Wet fly used mainly for lake and sea trout. // Tail - Golden pheasant tippet // Body - Red wool ribbed gold tinsel // Wing - Breast feathers of teal // Hackle - Black cock's // 463/5 March Brown Sea trout pattern // Tail - Golden pheasant crest // Body - Yellow wool ribbed gold tinsel // Wing - Hen pheasant wing // Hackle - Brown cock's ribbed along body and blue feather from jay at shoulder // 463/6 March Brown Wet fly // Tail - Dark brown partridge // Body - Hare's fur spun on brown silk, ribbed gold. // Hackle - Darkish brown partridge back feather // Wings - Hen pheasant wing', MERL ‘Associated information’ form – 'Property of late Colonel E. G. Cheke R. F. A. // Leather wallet with compartments // [pencil sketch]'
[nb-NO]Object name[nb-NO]