Numero oggetto
An auger is a boring tool used in a variety of woodworking trades to bore long deep holes. It consists of an iron shank with a T-shaped handle at one end and a boring device at the other. A taper auger is shaped like a tapered conical half-funnel. This auger was used by the donor, a carpenter and cabinet maker, at Kidlington, Oxfordshire.
Descrizione fisica
1 taper shell auger: wood (ash); metal (steel); good condition
Storico archivio
MERL 'Handwritten catalogue' form – 'AUGER (tapered) // [pencil sketch] // ash // steel', Letter, J. C. Pope to MERL, 24 March 1961 - 'A workshop of which I have been the tenant for some years is shortly to be sold... // There are some wheelwrights' + other tools which I think may be of interest to you.'
1900-01-01 - 1949-12-31
Periodo di produzione
Twentieth century, first half
Nome oggetto
Documento esterno
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\60 series negatives\60_3823.tif - High resolution image