Numero oggetto
This box was used by a Friendly Society as a vessel for collecting charity money at home. It is made of cardboard, with printing on all six sides. One coin remains inside, which has been identified as an half-penny dating from 1908, with Edward VII on its face. It dates from the first half of the twentieth century, and was used by the Radstock and District Freindly Societies Hospital Fund, whose name is printed on the top.
Descrizione fisica
1 contribution box: cardboard and paper; good condition: a little dirty
<DIV STYLE="text-align:Justify;font-family:Georgia;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:16;color:#000000;"><P><SPAN><SPAN>6.<B>Contribution box- Hospital Fund</B><P>This box was distributed by the Radstock & District Friendly Society and asks people who received the box to put it out on their table on a Sunday and 'place a contribution therein and will also endeavour to get others present to do likewise.' This contribution, the box says, is a 'thankoffering' for your own health and a way to help people, who are not so fortunate, by giving to hospitals which alleviates 'the pain of those who suffer.' The box has already got a coin inside but the value of it is unknown. <P>56/300</SPAN></SPAN></P></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Justify;font-family:Georgia;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:16;color:#000000;"><P><SPAN><SPAN>12.<B>Contribution box- Hospital Fund</B><P>This box was distributed by the Radstock & District Friendly Society and asks people who received the box to put it out on their table on a Sunday and 'place a contribution therein and will also endeavour to get others present to do likewise' this contribution, the box says, is a 'thankoffering' for your own health and a way to help people, who are not so fortunate, by giving to hospitals which alleviate 'the pain of those who suffer.' The box has already got a coin inside but the value of it is unknown. <P>This type of collecting for charity was organised by a network of street stewards who distributed the boxes to households and collected them back when full. This was just one of the ways friendly societies collected money for their cause. They also sent people to collect at village shows and events.<P>56/300</SPAN></SPAN></P></DIV>
1900-01-01 - 1949-12-31
Periodo di produzione
Twentieth century, first half
Nome oggetto