N° d'objet
These overshoes are very similar to pattens, wooden shoes with an iron hoop beneath that were used by most countrywomen to keep their feet out of the mud in the farmyard and around the dairy. However this pair, instead of having a flat sole and hoops, have a heeled and grooved sole with flat strips of iron. They were found in the 'bakehouse' of the donor's farm in Prinsted, Hampshire.
Description physique
1 patten [overshoe]: wooden sole; leather upper; black in colour
Historique d'archive
MERL ‘Associated information’ form – ‘This clog was found when the old ‘Bakehouse’ was being cleaned up for use as the farm office. These bakehouses (there are two in Prinsted) are detached from the house and were what would now be called the utility room. It has, or had, a large open fire with a brick bread oven alongside a stone sink and a clothes ‘copper’. This was a later addition. There is also a large wooden cleat on an overhead beam – presumably to hang the pig carcase on for attention and an iron hook. The floor is brick. The house is thatched and must be 16th or 17th century. There is a house shown on the site on an old map of 1640. I think the bakehouse is rather later. We also found an iron bowl which had piece of perforated iron grating attached.’
Nom d'objet
Document électronique
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\60 series negatives\60_811.tif - High resolution image