N° d'objet
This is a wooden walking stick with scenes of Victorian life, including a foxhunt, figures and houses in addition to various motifs such as the sun and moon, fishes and birds. This is all surmounted, just below the handle with a crown, the ‘VR’ monogram and the date 1859. The decoration has been incised with a fine point and filled in with black ink or paint. This walking stick was given by Frank Burrough, land lord of the Horns Crazies Hill, Wargrave to the donor abour 1946/7. It formerly belonged to Mr Burrough’s Grandfather. This walking stick may have been made by Henry Beecham of Kidlington, Oxfordshire, who was working around 1850.
Description physique
1 walking stick: wood
Historique d'archive
MERL 'Handwritten accession' form (Institute of Agricultural History) – 'Walking stick // Personal use // Aubrey Beese, Avlington Road, Twickenham, Richmond, London // Description: Wooden walking stick with scenes of Victorian life, including a foxhunt, figures and houses in addition to various motifs such as the sun and moon, fishes and birds. This is all surmounted, just below the handle with a crown, the ‘VR’ monogram and the date 1859. The decoration has been incised with a fine point and filled in with black ink or paint. Dimensions: length 100cm, dia 2.2cm // Associated information: This waling stick was given by Frank Burrough, land lord of the Horns Crazies Hill, Wargrave to the donor abour 1946/7. It formerly belonged to Mr Burrough’s Grandfather. This walking stick may have been made by Henry Beecham of Kidlington, Oxfordshire, who was working around 1850.’
Lieu de création
Nom d'objet
Document électronique
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\60 series negatives\60_13525.tif - High resolution image