Outils d'enregistrement
  • Titre
    Rural Crafts Project Archive
  • Référence
    D RCP
  • Date
    Mar 2006 - Mar 2008
  • Créateur
  • Etendue et contenu
    The first ten series of the archive (D RCP 1 - D RCP 10) consist of locations visited for film-making. These contain the various finished films as well as longer items of unedited footage, and photographs taken during filming. The next seven series (D RCP 11 - D RCP 17) consist of locations identified as potential places for filming, but were not followed up on. These typically contain a small number of photographs. The final series (D RCP 18) contains project documentation, including a film diary, progress log, exhibition material and a report by David Viner.
  • Etendue
    Fully digital - approx. 150 films and 1000 photographs
  • Niveau de description
  • Historique d'archive
    Funded by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council's Designation Challenge Fund, the Rural Crafts Project sought to capture the work of traditional rural craftspeople using digital media. The intention was not only to preserve the techniques of these crafts. It was also to engage younger audiences with the museum, by demonstrating the link between rural objects and the real people who created them. Accompanied by a film team, members of the of project team captured film footage from ten different locations, with a different craft practised at each. This film was displayed in both a physical and online exhibition, as well as within the museum's galleries. Photographs of filming were also taken. Seven other locations were visited, but only a few photographs were taken of these. The archive is organised by location and craft, with an extra series for project documentation.