National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers Second deposit
1906 - 1984
The National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers was founded in 1906 as the Eastern Counties Agricultural Labourers and Smallholders Union. It changed its name first to the National Agricultural Labourers' and Rural Workers' Union, then to the National Union of Agricultural Workers and then the National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers. In 1981 it amalgamated with the Transport and General Workers Union
Etendue et contenu
The second deposit of records of the National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers consists of manuscript and printed material covering a wide range of financial and administrative activities of the union. There are also records for several associated organizations.
The records are mainly from the 1950s-1970s, although some sections contain material considerably pre-dating that.
52 series
Niveau de description
Nom scientifique
The records in class BXXXIV must remain closed until 2032. Access to some other records may be restricted, at the discretion of the archivist.
A Accounts
SR 2NUAW/IV Summary income and expenditure
SR 2NUAW/V Monthly statements, income and expenditure
SR 2NUAW/VII Tax and National Insurance
SR 2NUAW/VIII Investments
SR 2NUAW/IX Registrar of Friendly Societies
SR 2NUAW/X Contribution Receipts
SR 2NUAW/XI Balance sheets and auditors' reports
B Administration
SR 2NUAW/I Executive Committee Minutes
SR 2NUAW/III Organizing Sub-committee
SR 2NUAW/V Branch and area branch records
SR 2NUAW/VI Biennial Conference reports
SR 2NUAW/VII Annual reports and balance sheets
SR 2NUAW/VIII Membership
SR 2NUAW/IX `The Landworker'
SR 2NUAW/X Other administrative material
SR 2NUAW/XI Economic Development Committee
SR 2NUAW/XII Interviewing Committee
SR 2NUAW/XIII County committee records
SR 2NUAW/XIV District committee records
SR 2NUAW/XV Land Settlement Association
SR 2NUAW/XVI Correspondence
SR 2NUAW/XVII Labour Party records
SR 2NUAW/XVIII Departmental records
SR 2NUAW/XIX Circulars
SR 2NUAW/XX TUC records
SR 2NUAW/XXI Health and safety
SR 2NUAW/XXII Training
SR 2NUAW/XXIII International affairs
SR 2NUAW/XXIV Forestry
SR 2NUAW/XXV Horticulture Advisory Committee
SR 2NUAW/XXVIII Staff conferences
SR 2NUAW/XXIX Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food
SR 2NUAW/XXX Poultry
SR 2NUAW/XXXI Sugar beet industry
SR 2NUAW/XXXIII Fatstock guarantee scheme
SR 2NUAW/XXXIV Benefit claims
C Rule books and legal records
SR 2NUAW/I Rule books
SR 2NUAW/II Land Settlement Association
SR 2NUAW/III Joint Industrial Council for the Roadstone Quarrying Industry
SR 2NUAW/IV Civil Engineering Construction Conciliation Board for Great Britain
SR 2NUAW/V Legal case
D Social and personal material
SR 2NUAW/II Press cuttings and press releases
SR 2NUAW/III Personal and social material
SR 2NUAW/IV Photographs
E Publications Records of associated organisations
SR 2NUAW/I Journals
SR 2NUAW/III Parliamentary Papers
SR 2NUAW/IV Eastern Counties Agricultural Labourers and Smallholders Union
SR 2NUAW/VI National Union of Horticultural Workers
SR 2NUAW/VII British Gardeners' Association