Número del objeto
This is a leg from a squat front chair and is made of beech. All of the turning is at one end, with the rest tapering to a curve at the end. (See 51/68)
Descripción física
1, leg [squat front]; wood [beech]; good condition
Historia del archivo
Citation in publication [H. J. Massingham, 'Country Relics' (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1939)] –'Hanging up under the thatch of the Hermitage is a row of nine chair legs, spindles and stretchers, each one of different size, shape and design in the turning, but one and all made of beech-wood, fresh and clean as a new pin and the work of a single living man...Another "Squat-Front" has all the turnery at one end with the rest plain, tapering and making a slow curve at the end.' (pp. 52), MERL list / description [Massingham Collection, October 1989] – 'ACC. NO.: 51/64 // NAME: CHAIR LEG // NEG NO.: 35/1936 // STORAGE: '
1930-01-01 - 1939-12-31
Periodo de producción
Nombre del objeto