Número del objeto
This is a tooth rasp, a tool used for rasping (or 'floating') a horse's teeth, which involves wearing down the surfaces of teeth. This is done to remove any sharp points, though not so far as to remove the horse's ability to tear its food. The museum holds very little information about the origins of this object.
Descripción física
1 tooth rasp: unknown material (presumably metal)
Historia del archivo
MERL ‘Associated information’ form – ‘Name of Object: Tooth Rasp // Age…: // Name and address of present owner: Alton // Description of use to which it was put…:’ Handle missing. 22" long. // [insert] 02/2005 Object with number 54/115 has handle. Could be new handle which has been made, or wrong number on object. [end insert]
Nombre del objeto