This is a khaki, short, overall coat with buttoned cuffs, and two side pockets which forms part of a Women’s Land uniform. It doesn’t have any label but it’s similar to the other overall coat of the collection (88/47) except that is patched on the pocket and more worn. It also has a darker colour.
Physische Beschaffenheit
1 overall coat: linen (drill); fair condition - well worn
MERL 'Handwritten accession' form (Museum of English Rural Life) – 'Standard museum name: OVERALL - COAT // Accession number: 88/48 // Classification: PERSONAL clothing garment // Negative number: 60/15870 // Acquisition method: GIFT // Acquired from: [...] AMPHILL, BEDFORD // Date: 14 June 1988 // Store: // Condition: fair - well worn // Recorder: JMB // Date: 8.3.89 // Description: WOMEN'S LAND ARMY UNIFORM // Khaki drill, short overall-coat with buttoned cuffs, and two side pockets. It has a collar and can be buttoned to the neck. 5 buttons and button holes. // Inscription: A 24 // No label // Dimensions: Length: Approx: 91.0 cm // Associated information: This overall is similar to 88/47 but is patched on the pocket and more worn. It is also a darker colour. // References:', MERL miscellaneous note, Georgia Charitou, September 2014 – Objects 88/44-66 form part of the Doreen Thorp Collection of material relating to the Women’s Land Army. The collection consists of papers relating to the career or Doreen Thorp in the W.L.A. from 1939-47, as well as items of clothing which form part of a W.L.A. uniform. ‘, Transcription of information about Doreen Thorp – ‘Mrs. N. D. Warren (nee Thorp) 13.6.1923 – 3.1.1988. // In September 1939 I joined the Women’s Land Army and in October I started two months training at the Midland Agricultural College in poultry, milking (hand & machine), stock and general farm work.’
1939 - 1947
Digitales Dokument
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\60 series negatives\60_15870.tif - High resolution image