Buckinghamshire basket,
This is a model of an oval Buckinghamshire basket with two half-lids and a handle, and was probably used as a toy. It is made of fine willow skein willow. It dates from circa 1855.
Fysisk beskrivelse
1 toy basket: willow
Visiting researcher note, Sally Goymer (basketmaker), 21 June 2014 – This basket is not English, and is probably German-made, or possibly French., Miss Harman offered 4 baskets to MERL in 1958. 1) A Devonshire basket (currently identified as 58/93) known as the ‘chimney pot’ basket, with a drawing showing a single handle. 2) A model of an old Buckinghamshire basket (currently identified as 58/92) which Miss Harman acquired from her cousin (born c. 1881, no name given), who acquired it from her grandmother (from Chesham, Buckinghamshire, no name given). 3) A knitting basket for needles (definitely 58/94). 4) A string ball basket made before Miss Harman was born (pre-1888). MERL only has three baskets from Miss Harman. It was noted on 12 November 1958 in a letter from Miss Harman the she had not yet sent the Devon basket, or a Veterinary Surgeons Diploma, as she could not find them – MERL does not have the diploma either. This may mean that 58/92 and 58/93 are not correctly matched to Miss Harman’s baskets 1) and 2). 58/122 could possibly be basket 4)., MERL 'Catalogue of baskets' form – 'NAME: BASKET, Sample // Acc. No.: 58/92 // Group: PERSONAL USE toys // Neg. no.: 60/3068 // Place of origin: Buckinghamshire // Period in use: c. 1855 // DESCRIPTION // Materials: Fine willow skein // Shape and construction: Oval with two half-lids & handle across. The bottom is turned-skeining & the basket has a foot. // Dimensions: 3” across base. 3” high. // Use: Probably as a toy // Dialect names: // Distribution: // Additional notes: 2 others known: one in Anne Pilcher’s collection the other belong to Mrs Lloyd Nothiam (W.S.14). No history known.'
Eksternt dokument
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\60 series negatives\60_3068.tif - High resolution image
- L:\MERL\Objects\Baskets\58_92_cob.tif - High resolution image