Gloucestershire long plough,
This is a Gloucestershire long plough. It was used for many years at Bangrove Farm at Winchcombe, near Tewkesbury. The farmer who used it at Bangrove farm said that the plough was made to cope with the local clay-like soil, and that he used to hitch five Suffolk punch horses to it to get it going 'full pelt'.
Fysisk beskrivelse
1 long plough; wood and metal; good condition
MERL ‘Associated information’ form – 'Long plough from Alstone (near Tewkesbury). Used for many years by William Sexty, one of the famous family (5 brothers + 1 sister) who lived for many years at Bangrove Farm, a few miles away. They all lived to be well over 70. When I went in search of a long plough + called at the farm (in 1948) only 2 of them were left William 96 + Lucy either a year older or younger. William sent me to Mr Thomas Cook of Alstone Farm, Beckford. "He's got my old plough" he said, + Mr Cook let me take it away in the [?] van (I was filming in the Stroud Valler). William Sexty said "there was never a plough made like that one - nor for this day" + that when he had 5 Suffolk Punch horses hitched to it + was going full pelt he was "master of the situation".'
1875-01-01 - 1899-12-31
Late-nineteenth century
- Length 4216 mm
- Length 1660 mm
Eksternt dokument
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\60 series negatives\60_445.tif - High resolution image
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\60 series negatives\60_448.tif - High resolution image
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\60 series negatives\60_451.tif - High resolution image