  • Titel
  • Reference
    TR DX2033
  • Dato
  • Ophav
  • Vincents of Reading was established in 1805. It was started by William Vincent of Arborfield. William was joined by his two sons William and Harry. They made horse drawn vehicles and moved into motor car building in about 1904. William Vincent senior died in 1904. They built the first motor horse box in 1912. The company had a show room at Broad Street and were also at Oxford Road and Castle Street. William junior died in 1933 and Harry died in 1941. Richard, son of Harry, inherited the business.
  • Indholdsbeskrivelse
    Vincents of Reading, manufacturers of carriages, motors and horse boxes - trade literature and photographs
  • Omfang
    0.5 boxes
  • Beskrivelsesniveau