  • Titel
  • Reference
    P DX360
  • Dato
  • Ophav
  • The Dutch aircraft pioneer and horseman Henry Wynmalen (1889-1964) purchased and renovated Woodside Farm, Hare Hatch, Berks in the early 1930s, renamed it Kingswood House and moved in with his wife Julia in 1934. Until the early 1960s they farmed Kingswood, Upper Culham and near Wokingham, and bred Arab horses and Guernsey cattle with great success. Both became leading authorities in equestrianism, horse and cattle breeding, and were also keen hunters. As well as the stud, Henry set up the Twyford Construction Company and the builders merchants Wynmalen Ltd: both were important sources of employment in the area.
  • Indholdsbeskrivelse
    The collection consists of photographs, audio tapes, cinefilm and printing blocks showing the Wynmalens' activities at Kingswood House and elsewhere.
  • Omfang
    57 Documents
  • Beskrivelsesniveau
  • Videnskabeligt navn