رقم الكائن
A set of fourteen wheelwright's patterns used to make the felloes (rim sections) of a wheel, and showing the exact curve needed. They were purchased from R. Middleton & Sons' wheelwrights workshop in Eddington, Hungerford.
الوصف المادي
14 felloe patterns: wood
تاريخ أرشيفي
Note on accession record - seven of the felloes are in Collection 3 (possibly those on 35/505); three are in Permanent Exhibition (possibly those on 35/564); the other four felloes may have been given another number and are possibly those on 35/565.
اسم الكائن
وثيقة خارجية
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\35 series negatives\Scans\35_505.tif - High resolution image
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\35 series negatives\Scans\35_564.tif - High resolution image
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\35 series negatives\Scans\35_565.tif - High resolution image