رقم الكائن
The origin of this steel-headed fining hammer is unknown. It was used in road building – rocks were first broken up with a larger sledge hammer and then broken down further with the smaller fining hammer. The length of the handle and the balance between the head and the handle ensured a good swing. The name “fining hammer” derives from its use to fine down rocks after they were originally broken with a sledgehammer.
الوصف المادي
1 fining hammer: wood [ash] and metal [steel]
تاريخ أرشيفي
Citation in publication [H. J. Massingham, 'Country Relics' (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1939)] –' I have in the Hermitage a very small sledge with a very long and slender ash handle. With this, fifty years ago and more, [the donor]... pounded stone for making the rounds round and about the north-western scarp of the Cotswolds. He used two other larger ones as well as this "fining hammer" which he gave me, and their likes may be seen to-day in the backyeards of coal-merchants....the fining hammeris an individual-looking tool and can be undert no suspecio of being a gate-crasher in the Hermitage.' (pp. 42) [see also pp. 44], MERL list / description [Massingham Collection, circa 1951] - 'Museum of English Rural Life // Equipment to be loaned to the Cotswold Tradition Exhibition // Cat Ref. No.: // 51/179 M // Stonebreaker's Hammer [Cleaned] [tick] ...', MERL list / description [Massingham Collection, circa 1951] - '[insert] MASSINGHAM FILE [end insert] // THE COTSWOLD TRADITION // AN EXHIBITION AT CIRENCESTER PARK // MAY-SEPTEMBER 1951 ... // RECEIPT. // Received with gratitude the following articles, collected from Reading University on the 29th April, 1951: // ... Stone Hammer. ... // Loaned by The Massingham Collection.', MERL list / description [Massingham Collection, October 1989] – 'ACC. NO.: 51/179 // NAME: STONEBREAKER'S HAMMER // NEG NO.: 35/221 // STORAGE: '
اسم الكائن
وثيقة خارجية
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\35 series negatives\Scans\35_221.tif - High resolution image