رقم الكائن
These two crossbow bolt heads, mounted on a board, were originally part of a set of three, but the third is now missing due to damage. They are thought to date from the 13th century.
الوصف المادي
Bolt (crossbow) heads: metal
تاريخ أرشيفي
MERL ‘Associated information’ form – '["Arrow" scored through] Bolt Heads // Arrow heads of 13th century date. // [insert] To be remounted [end insert] // ["Arrow heads like these would probably have been in use in Sherwood Forrest" scored through] // Lent by RCB Gardner.'
1200-01-01 - 1299-12-31
فترة الإنتاج
Thirteenth century
اسم الكائن
وثيقة خارجية
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\60 series negatives\60_8863.tif - High resolution image