رقم الكائن
The Knowat Ration Calculator,
This ration calculator made of card was used to determine how much and of what foods to feed milch cows in order to keep them in good condition and produce the required amount of milk. It includes reference to use of leguminous plants (of which sainfoin was a common example fodder). It dates from between 1920-1940. The calculator belonged to the donor's grandfather, Mostyn Williams, who was a mixed farmer in Horfield, Bristol. He farmed in Bristol until 1940 and then moved to Devon. The calculator was donated to MERL in the original envelope in which it was sent to Mr Williams from the Olympia Oil & Cake Co., Ltd.
الوصف المادي
1 calculator: card; metal; good condition
تاريخ أرشيفي
MERL miscellaneous note - This artefact played a part in the research process of artist Deirdre O'Mahony, who undertook one of two livestock-themed artistic residencies at the Museum in summer 2017. These formed part of the project 'Our Country Lives: Health, Nutrition and Rural England,' which was generously supported by the Wellcome Trust. O'Mahony's project explored the role of legumes like sainfoin in supporting environmentally sustainable and responsive practices in cattle-rearing, past and present, which led to the production of a film installation entitled 'Speculative Optimism' exploring whether carbon-neutral beef is possible. [Ollie Douglas, 22 November 2017]
مكان الإنتاج
Chelmsford, Chelmsford
1920 - 1940
اسم الكائن