رقم الكائن
A box iron, consisting of a hollow iron with handle and a solid iron block insert. The block, also known as a slug, would be heated on the range and inserted into the iron for use. Irons like this would normally come with two slugs, enabling one to be used while the other was heating. This box iron belonged to the donor's grandmother, and was in use in the late-nineteenth century.
الوصف المادي
1 box iron: metal; wood; good condition
تاريخ أرشيفي
MERL miscellaneous note – ‘The iron belonged to [the donor’s] grandmother, Louisa Shaw, who was born in 1839, & died 1931. She remembered it being used in the 1890s. [The donor’s] mother used it occasionally until c.1900. // The only evidence of origin is the word ‘Registered’ stamped on the handle.’
1875-01-01 - 1899-12-31
فترة الإنتاج
Late-nineteenth century
اسم الكائن