رقم الكائن
This is a cream seperator, which is an electronic machine for seperating cream from milk. This seperator was used by the National Institute of Rural Development and was donated by the National Institute for Research in Dairying.
الوصف المادي
cream separator: metal
تاريخ أرشيفي
MERL ‘Hisotry Artefacts’ card - ‘SEPARATOR // PROCESSING- Milk // Painted metal and stainless steel // 110cm height // 51cm Length of stainless steel tank // 30cm Width of stainless steel tank // Manufacturer: Belgium Remicourt // Maker: Melotte //Source: National Institute for Research in Dairying, Gift, 1965 // Description: An electric machine for separating cream from milk. It consists of a stainless steel tank into which the milk is poured. The milk passed through the machine to another smaller stainless steel tank at the bottom where cream comes out of one spout and skimmed milk out of the other. There is a stainless steel tap to control the flow of the milk from the top tank. There is also a stainless steel funnel. // Use: For separating cream from milk // History: used at N.I.R.D.’
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اسم الكائن