رقم الكائن
These thirty bobbins came from a lacemaker in Ickford, Buckinghamshire. They are variously decorated with pewter inlay, wire, beads and different coloured woods, and include ‘mother-in-babe’, ‘Bedfordshire leopard’, ‘Bedfordshire tiger’, ‘wire beaded’ and ‘bitted’ bobbins – the names referring to the style of decoration.
الوصف المادي
30 bobbins: wood & pewter & wire & beads; good condition
تاريخ أرشيفي
MERL 'Catalogue index' card – 'These bobbins came from Ickford (South Bucks) and are variously decorated. Three are of the MOTHER-IN-BABE or CHURCH WINDOW type (see 51/238M); four are BEDFORDSHIRE LEOPARDS, made of wood and inlaid with spots of pewter; three are BEDFORDSHIRE TIGERS, inlaid with circles of pewter; two are decorated by a winding of fine wire; two are WIRE BEADED BOBBIN, twined about with wire on which are threaded tiny beads of various colours. There are eight BITTED BOBBINS, five of them decorated with inlaid spots or lines of different coloured woods, one with in incised spots and two with incised coloured lines. See also 51/238M.', MERL list / description [Massingham Collection, October 1989] – 'ACC. NO.: 51/241 // NAME: 30 LACEMAKER'S BOBBINS // NEG NO.: 35/1290 // STORAGE: '
1800-01-01 - 1899-12-31
فترة الإنتاج
Nineteenth century
اسم الكائن