رقم الكائن
This shell auger, which came from the wheelwright's shop at Hungerford, is a small auger for making relatively shallow cylindrical borings 1.5 cm in diameter. It was used at R. Middleton & Sons' wheelwrights workshop in Eddington, Hungerford.
الوصف المادي
1 auger: iron shaft; wooden handle
تاريخ أرشيفي
MERL 'Catalogue index' card – 'This shell auger which came from the wheelwright’s shop at Hungerford is a small auger for making relatively shallow cylindrical borings, .6 inch in diameter. The handle, probably shaped by a draw knife is 9.5 inches long, and through a rectangular tapering hole in its middle the iron top of the auger shaft has been driven, and wedged into place by a flattened iron nail. The square stem is 6.6 inches long and the spoon is 5.0 inches long, with a diameter of .6 inches. The total length of the tool is 13.3 inches. // See 51/55M.'
اسم الكائن