
Past Placements - 2013

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Interactive sensory objects developed for and by people with learning disabilities

Supervisor: Dr Kate Allen

School: School of Arts & Communication Design
Department: Art

This project works with people with learning disabilities as co researchers, and researchers from Art, Systems Engineering and Multi Media Advocacy, making museum interpretation, through a series of sensory art and electronics workshops, in response to the Museum of English Rural Life, (MERL) Reading.

A 50% chance of showers: Can we improve the communication of probabilistic weather forecasts?

Supervisor: Andrew Charlton-Perez

School: School of Mathematical & Physical Sciences
Department: Meteorology

Recent improvements in weather forecasting technology have allowed the Met Office to produce new short-range forecasts of the likelihood of summer showers. In this project, students from the departments of Meteorology, Psychology and Information Design will seek to investigate and improve the way these forecasts are presented so that their benefit to the general public is maximised.

A 50% chance of showers: Can we improve the communication of probabilistic weather forecasts?

Supervisor: Dr Rachel McCloy

School: School of Psychology & Clinical Language Science
Department: Psychology

An interdisciplinary project looking at the role of expectations and presentation format on people's understanding of probabilistic weather forecasts.

A 50% chance of showers: design to improve the communication of probabilistic weather forecasts

Supervisor: Alison Black

School: School of Arts & Communication Design
Department: Typography & Graphic Communication

Recent improvements in weather forecasting technology have allowed the Met Office to produce new short-range forecasts of the likelihood of summer showers. This project, stemming from an existing NERC-funded collaboration in Meteorology, Psychology and Centre for Information Design Research (CIDR), will examine how design might support presentation of these forecasts to maximise their benefit to the general public.

A history of work-family reconciliation: strategies and solutions in relation to elderly care.

Supervisor: Dr Grace James

School: School of Law
Department: None

This placement, in the School of Law, will involve researching legal engagement with work-family reconciliation strategies relating to elderly care-giving. The research will contribute to a broader project which will culminate in a monograph that critiques the development of work-family reconciliation laws in the UK, the EU and Internationally as well as the framing of debates in other developed countries (particularly, the US, Australia, New Zealand and Canada).

Affective noise in value-based decision-making

Supervisor: Anastasia Christakou

School: School of Psychology & Clinical Language Science
Department: Psychology

Pilot study investigating how overlapping outcomes of varying affective value are resolved during ongoing cognitive performance.

An analysis of the social and environmental drivers of internal resettlement programmes in sub-Saharan Africa

Supervisor: Alex Arnall

School: School of Agriculture Policy & Development
Department: Economic & Social Sciences

This project will compile and analyse an information database on the nature and drivers of internal resettlement programmes in sub-Saharan Africa. The study will culminate in the presentation of research findings by the student at a Reading-based expert workshop on Climate Change and Resettlement in the summer of 2013, and lead to co-authorship of a peer-reviewed paper in a leading international development journal.

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