
Past Placements - 2008

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A clinical application for the Nintendo Wii in neuro-rehabilitation

Supervisor: William Harwin

School: Systems Engineering
Department: School of Systems Engineering, Systems Engineering

The Nintendo Wii offers a chance for neuro-rehabilitation therapies to be both challenging and motivating, This project is a feasibility study.

Accessible Lab Instruments for Visually-Impaired People: Developing Non-Visual Displays for a Digital Multimeter

Supervisor: Dr Faustina Hwang

School: Systems Engineering
Department: School of Systems Engineering, Systems Engineering

Multimeters used in electronics work typically provide readings only through visual displays. This project involves displaying the serial output from a digital multimeter into forms that are more accessible to visually-impaired students.

Algorithms for Constructing the Tree of Life

Supervisor: Dr. M. Manjunathaiah

School: Systems Engineering
Department: Computer Science, Systems Engineering

The “Tree of Life” represents the inter-relationship amongst all living things on this Planet. The aim of this research is to investigate algorithmic approaches to the construction of the Tree of life.

Assessing anticancer activity of novel nanomedicines

Supervisor: Dr. Francesca Greco

School: Chemistry, Food BioSciences and Pharmacy
Department: Pharmacy, Chemistry, Food BioSciences and Pharmacy

The project will assess the anticancer activity of novel nanosized drug delivery systems using two cancer cell lines as model.

Assistant at the Centre of East German Studies (CEGS)

Supervisor: Dr. Ute Wölfel

School: Languages and European Studies
Department: German Studies, Languages and European Studies

University Museums, Archives and Collections Placement (Non-UROP)

Computational Ecology --- a study of eco-system equilibria

Supervisor: Dr. M. Manjunathaiah

School: Systems Engineering
Department: Computer Science, Systems Engineering

Computational ecology provides a computational approach to modelling and analysing eco systems. This work will focus on analysing “food webs” and understanding their stability criteria through mathematical modelling techniques.

Control and position estimation of an urban mobile robot

Supervisor: William Harwin

School: Systems Engineering
Department: School of Systems Engineering, Systems Engineering

A robot will be used for reconnaissance in an urban environment and must use GPS and other sensors to determine its position and the path it will follow

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