Professional & Administrative Services Review
Monday, 06 July 2015
![John Brady](
John Brady, Director of Human Resources
The message below is an interim update to staff from the Director of Human Resources, in advance of a more detailed communication that will follow after the University Council meets in mid-July.
Since I last updated you in April a huge amount of work has continued, most of which is "behind the scenes" but critical to ensure things are right as we move into the implementation phase of this project. When we launched the project we recognised that time would be needed to move carefully to the new arrangements, and I realise that for many of you that creates a sense of uncertainty. I am grateful for your patience in the circumstances.
In June the University Executive Board received a paper setting out the proposed shape of the new central services. The organisation design work for Finance, HR, MCE and Technical Support was supported, subject to further discussion of certain specific aspects. The UEB also had first sight of options being considered for Teaching Operations Support, covering for the most part student-facing activity, and Executive Support, covering areas previously described as general administration. We also discussed a number of proposals that had been influenced by the emergence of the new planning process and new academic structures.
It is worth repeating that the proposed new structures have adhered to the guiding principle that our services will be "centrally managed but locally delivered," where that is necessary. Put simply, there will continue to be non-academic staff located within our academic Schools delivering excellent services to our students and staff.
The discussions at UEB, and a subsequent meeting with all Heads of School, have helped to shape how we will take the project forward, and there will be further consultation as we determine the precise number and type of roles required in each service.
Following the meeting of Council on 13 July we will provide more detailed information which will include an indicative timeline for the implementation phase. We are also continuing to refine the scope of the project, and the next update will provide you with the latest information regarding areas that are unlikely to change as a consequence of PAS.
I realise that some of you will be taking your summer breaks soon, so I wanted you to be aware that the next substantive update will follow in mid-July. If you have any queries please feel free to contact me at or my colleague Claire Rolstone at
John Brady
Director of Human Resources