Engage in research and enquiry
We are a research-intensive university with a long history of expertise in relation to research and enquiry in the curriculum. This site builds on our work and provides resources to enable programme teams to develop the linkages between discipline-based research, the curriculum and student learning.
While research is beneficial to student learning, the link between research and teaching is not automatic. Programme teams need to give thought to the nature of research in their disciplines . The ways in which this translates into learning experiences for students needs to be carefully planned across a programme. The opportunities that students are afforded, and what they gain from undertaking them, need to be well-articulated to students, and they need to be able to articulate this to others.
We believe that engagement in research and enquiry is beneficial to student learning, but recognise that the link between research and teaching is not automatic. Curriculum review teams need to think about the nature of research and enquiry, in their own disciplines and more widely, and may find the models we propose useful for this purpose.
The focus here is on discipline-based research. However you may also be undertaking your own pedagogic research and using this to inform your teaching and curriculum design. You will also be reading and using such research and scholarship to ensure that your teaching is informed by a pedagogic research base.