
Dr David Jukes, The University of Reading, UK

Providng access to food law since May 1996

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Future of this site

Following discussions with the University of Reading, it is now expected that this site will be closing at the end of August 2024. I am grateful to those who have recently completed the survey and indicated how much they value the site and my work in keeping it running for the last 28 years. However, I have decided that the new requirements will need a significant effort - more than I am willing to provide.

I am however open to suggestions from anyone who might have an interest in taking over its running and hosting it at another location - and, of course, potentially adapting and improving it. Please send any offers to my Reading email address which can be found quite easily elsewhere on this site.

David Jukes

Links -
Other Useful Sites for Food Law

The page was last fully checked and updated during November 2022. Minor amendments will be made as required. Please note that this page only links to official websites of a non-commercial nature.

On this page: United Kingdom, Europe, International Organisations, Other National Site

United Kingdom


International Organisations

Other National Sites



Australia / New Zealand

This page was first established by David Jukes on 14 April 1997.
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