- Co-ordinator for EYP@Reading Network
- International Early Years BA Hons. Programme development.
- Evaluator for Bracknell Forest Council's Passion to Teach project.
- West Berkshire Council Consultancy on Supervision in Early Years.
- External Validation of Foundation Degree: London Metropolitan University.
- External Validation of Early Years Teacher Status programmes: Best Practice.
- External Validation of Early Years Teacher Status programmes: Pen Green.
Jo Elsey

+44 (0) 118 378 2644
Head of Early Years/Director of EY Initial Teacher Training Programmes
- Head of Early Years.
- Chair - Board of Studies Children and Young People's Workforce (Foundation Degree, BA CDL and EYTS).
- Institute of Education Board of Studies.
- Chair - Children and Young People's Workforce Steering Group.
Areas of interest
- Early Years policy and practice.
- Workforce development.
- Early Years Teacher Status.
- Recruitment.
- Safeguarding.
- Emotional well-being.
- Emotional intelligence.
- Post Graduate Certificate in Early Years Practice.
- BA CDL Reflective Practitioner and Providing Children's Services.
- Early Years Initial Teacher Training Programmes: Graduate Entry Mainstream: Graduate Entry Employment-Based.
- Contribute to Foundation Degree Children's Development and Learning.
Enterprise Activity, External Roles & Consultancy: