Object number
A Triang Major pedal-powered toy tractor and with three metal wheels. It is painted orange, with a green triangle on top of the body, and a drawing stuck on each side of the central plate to represent the engine. The donor received it as a present on his fourth or fifth birthday in 1952 or 1953.
Physical description
1 toy tractor: metal; good condition
Label Text
<DIV STYLE="text-align:Justify;font-family:Georgia;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:16;color:#000000;"> <SPAN><SPAN>Pedal-powered toy tractor, early 1950sThis tractor was made by the toy company Tri-ang. The title 'Major' echoed the famous Fordson of the same name. It was given as a birthday present in the 1950s. Such toys were popular in both urban and rural contexts. They appealed to children’s aspirations and played on the popular image of farming. This example is similar to the home-made one in the photograph above.MERL 93/91</SPAN></SPAN></P></DIV>
Archival history
MERL 'Handwritten accession' form (Institute of Agricultural History) – 'Standard museum name: TOY TRACTOR // Accession number: 93/91 // … // Recorder: JMB // Date: 14.12.93 // Description: TRIANG MAJOR Pedal Tractor. Painted orange with green triangle on top of the body. There are three metal wheels, the front one has a rubber rim. Black exhaust pipe. Engine represented by a drawing stuck on each side of the central plate. Pedal drive the rear wheel with a crank shaft. // Dimensions: Length: 92.0 cm Height 72.0 cm Width: 52.0 cm // Associated information: This toy tractor was used by the donor as a child in 1950’s.
Production date
1950-01-01 - 1959-12-31
Production period
Object name
Associated subject
Associated person/institution
External document
- L:\MERL\Objects\JISC 2012\60 series negatives\60_16771.tif - High resolution image