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The Centre for Euro-Asian Studies

Centre for Euro Asian Studies Logo Primary Image

Formed to address a lack of awareness within the UK about Euro-Asia (with one British academic asking, "But tell me, where is Kazakhstan?" at a prominent research seminar in Oxford back in 1995), the aim of the CEAS is to increase our understanding of the reality in countries within the Commonwealth of Independent States and the wider region of Central and Eastern Europe.

Led by Professor Yelena Kalyuzhnova, the CEAS unites more than 30 professors and prominent academics who are working in politics, economics and security of the countries in transition. We are actively engaged in research and consultancy in the Euro-Asian region and are participants and contributors to the international conferences set up by organisations including the Academy of International Business, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Six themes have provided a focus for CEAS' work:

  • The specifics of transition in Euro-Asia and the emergence of new economies in the region
  • Post-transition challenges
  • Energy security and renewable energy
  • Lifting the 'natural resource curse'
  • Economic transformation and business enterprises
  • Creative industries and its dynamics

Through consultancy work and conferences, we provide a forum in which professionals can discuss and share information and strategies for success in these areas.

Many of our alumni are ambassadors for the CEAS in the Euro-Asian region. For further information about taking a PhD in emerging markets and Euro-Asian Studies, please see our postgraduate research opportunities.

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Contact us

Professor Yelena Kalyuzhnova

If you have any questions, please contact Professor Yelena Kalyuzhnova, CEAS Centre Director.

Telephone: 0118 3786637